Existing grass pitch cultivated, levelled and new drainage at approx 5m centres. Re-seeding to commence in due course. Boundary fencing erected as shown. Further carparking areas created and stoned up, awaiting blinded surfacing.



Another closer view of boundary fencing and concrete apron below.



Roadway created along rear of existing clubhouse linking both near carparking areas


Kerbing demarcation between planted/grassed areas and carparking. Future blacktop surfacing hoped for !


Ball wall area / retaining wall created at entrance to Kilclief GAC. Area shall be artifical grass on completion. Temporarily, area left unfinished to allow HJ O’Boyle, under a separate contract, to undertake the construction of a basement gym and which requires temporary access from gable of building adjacent to dumper location as shown.

In summary, Kilclief GAC have new boundary walkway, lit and tarmac surfaced; in progress is new pitch as outlined above; new basement gym started today and due for completion in approx 12 weeks. Proposed new children’s playground being constructed, on ground to be leased to Council, and within boundary of Kilclief GAC.