- BY Kevin Barry BSc(Hons) MRICS
- POSTED IN Latest News
QUINTIN QS invited to offer advice on a major private housing scheme in Cloughey, on the Ards Peninsula.
Updated: 28th October 2021
Scheme recently received full planning permission. Good result 👏 for Planning Consultants/Architects.
Discussions took place on favoured procurement route to deliver scheme, taking into account client requirements. Further information to follow.
Update: 8th December 2018
Crushing activities complete and temporary heaps created as shown above.
Update: 28th November 2018
Lesley Wright arriving to site today with mobile rock crusher similar to above. Concrete yards and masonry for crushing and subsequently stockpiled for use as fill material to roads etc
Update: 24th November 2018
Final amended scheme being prepared for submission to Planning Service.
Selection of photos showing demolition works underway to clear part of site, which was formerly Watsons Dairy!
Further details to follow if we progress with scheme and it’s promoters