24 Jul 2020


QUINTIN QS appointed to advise on Stage 1 cost and prepare BQ tender documents for above scheme by Architect Micah Jones. No post contract role by QUINTIN QS.


Update: 24-7-2020

John Dynes & Son Ltd appointed to carry out the proposed works July 2020.




Update: 20-01-2020


Main surprise, even with provision of BQ, variation in lowest to highest tender was 18% across 6nr tenders received.

More to follow, once reporting complete.


Update: 07-01-2020

Tenders due in on Friday as scheduled.


Update: 06-12-2020

Tender documents (BQ) and PTE completed and Architect Micah Jones received instructions to proceed to tender. For those contractors invited to submit quotes, documents issued via Micah Jones Architect office on Wednesday 4th December 2019. Tender return date is FRIDAY 10TH JANUARY 2020 at 5pm. Excel & CITE versions of BQ readily available upon request.