Guide Prices and Inquiry Information (March 2024)

Procurement objective 'to award the right contract to right supplier'

"Helping a product or service provider from any town, village or countryside competitively win business anywhere on the island of Ireland"

Guide Prices: The guide prices shown on QUANTUM ALL ISLAND are exacty that, guide prices, to show the typical cost based on description of product/service and the allowances / exclusions as noted.

As professional advisors, we endeavour to indicate the realistic cost of listed products/services, based on information gained from past/current schemes and/or service providers, for typical product/service packages as noted.

In ALL instances, you, the prospective customer, via QUANTUM ALL ISLAND, have to make contact with the supplier and provide full details of your requirements, in order for the supplier/service provider to provide you with a firm, binding price, based on your exact requirements. Such is a matter between you and the supplier/service provider in ALL instances. Do not be under the illusion that FIRST price is FINAL price, if the aforementiond procedure is not followed.

Where inquiring via QUANTUM ALL ISLAND, we simply and efficiently broadcast the quantum of your best value inquiry to current designated email contacts.....Suppliers/service providers and prospective customer to privately agree on final 'best value' deal between themselves and subsequently arrange payment and delivery. Special discounts on listed prices shall vary, depending on supplier marketing information. Where noted as POA, such suppliers have yet to agree on the provision of list or guide prices to QUANTUM ALL ISLAND.